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LA16.0205Y 2B 210MM Magnetic Clutch

LA16.0205Y 2B 210MM Magnetic Clutch

Model: LA16.0205Y 2B 210MM Magnetic Clutch
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Description LA16.0205 2 Grooves "B" Ø 203
Note Carrier-Sutrak
OEM Clutch Code LA16.0205Y
Voltage 24V
Number of grooves 2
Groove width 2x17 mm
Groove type 2G B
Section Groove (S) 2x16,3 mm
External diameter (a) 2x210 mm
Internal diameter (b) 2x203 mm
OEM Code Coil 01.021.8
Autoclima Code Coil 40456010218
Kingclima code KC.LA16.0205
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